Copyright Scourge of the internet

Copyright law is a very tricky thing to work with. It can be the end of your project due to a copyright violation or to a lesser extant your livelihood. Some major points are using video, audio, photo and text to name a few. My understand is that you can not use this item with out the copyrights holders permission otherwise you are in violation. there may be exceptions but over that is how I look at the copyright law. One key thing is if you are not using the material for profit then you may not need to contact the holder. Also if you give full credit to the holder and the information about the material. I know that the European union has passed a law that makes copyright material even more protected and has harsher punishments for violations. It make the use of sharing copyright materiel even more harder. One of the things I do when I make projects for school is. At the bottom of the project in the cited works page I write "This is for a school project so please dont take legal action against me for violations.". I put it there so I feel a bit better after using copyright materiel.

I looked at some of the websites and found that they have ownership of most of their materiel. If they dont have ownership then they give full credit to the rightful owner. They also provide contact information so if a owner has a complainant they can address the case further with them. They also provide information and links to their legal polices. They seems to be on the up and up with the fair use of copyright laws. I looked at the International Spy Museum and the National Cryptographic Museum due to that they have a lot of materiel that is copyrighted but also a under a state secret. I bet they had to have it OK by the U.S. government to display the objects and other materials since at one point it was under a secret program used for espionage purposes.Anyways it is on display to the public to lean about the art of espionage and encryption.

International Spy Museum

National Cryptographic Museum

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Spy vs. Spy I dont not own this photo please dont sue me.


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